Simon Laflamme

About Simon
Dr. Simon Laflamme is a professor in the Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering at Iowa State University. He also contributes to various research on transportation projects associated with the Bridge Engineering Center and the Center for Transportation Research and Education at the Institute for Transportation.
- PhD, Structures and Materials, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011
- ME, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2007
- BE, Civil Engineering and Applied Mechanics, McGill University, 2006
- BC, Economics and Finance, McGill University, 2003
Professional Experience
- Waldo W. Wegner Professor in Civil Engineering, Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, 2023–present
- Faculty Affiliate, Wind Energy Science, Engineering, and Policy (WESEP), 2015–present
- Courtesy Appointment, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Iowa State University, 2012–present
- Faculty Affiliate, Center for Nondestructive Evaluation, Iowa State University, November 2012–present
Selected Publications
- Ogunniyi, E., A. Vereen, A. Downey, S. Laflamme, J. Li, C. Bennett, W. Collins, H. Jo, A. Henderson, and P. Ziehl. 2023. Investigation of Electrically Isolated Capacitive Sensing Skins on Concrete to reduce Structure/Sensor Capacitive Coupling. Measurement Science and Technology, Vol. 34, No. 5.
- Lu, H., V. Nemani, V. Barzegar, C. Allen, C. Hu, S. Laflamme, S. Sarkar, and T. Zimmerman. 2023. A Physics-Informed Feature Weighting Method for Bearing Faults Diagnostics. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol. 191, No. 15.
- Liu, H., S. Laflamme, S. Taher, J.-H. Jeong, J. Li, C. Bennet, W. Collins, D. Eisenmann, A. Downey, P. Ziehl, and H. Jo. 2023. Investigation of Soft Elastomeric Capacitor for the Monitoring of Large Angular Motions. Materials Evaluation.
- Nelson, M., S. Laflamme, C. Hu, A. Moura, J. Hong, A. Downey, P. Lander, Y. Wang, E. Blasch, and J. Dodson. 2022. Generated Datasets from Dynamic Reproduction of Projectiles in Ballistic Environments for Advanced Research (DROPBEAR) Testbed. IOP SciNotes, Vol. 3, No. 4.
- Borke, H., A. D’Alessandro, A. Corradini, S. Laflamme, and F. Ubertini. 2022. Field Investigation of Novel Self-Sensing Asphalt Pavement for Weigh-in-Motion Sensing. Smart Materials & Structures, Vol. 31, No. 8.
- Taher, S., J. Li, J-H. Jeong, S. Laflamme, H. Jo, C. Bennet, W. Collins, and A. Downey. 2022. Structural Health Monitoring of Fatigue Cracks for Steel Bridges with Wireless Large-Area Strain Sensor. Sensors.
- Nelson, M., V. Barzegar, S. Laflamme, C. Hu, A. Downey, J. Bakos, A. Thelen, and J. Dodson. 2022. Multi-Step Ahead State Estimation with Hybrid Algorithm for High-Rate Dynamic Systems. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing.
- Liu, H., M. Nelson, M, S. Laflamme, M. Carter, and S. Bentil. 2022. Real-Time Evaluation of Additive Manufacturing using a Laser Vibrometer and Shock Tube. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation.
- Jeong, J.-H., H. Jo, S. Laflamme, J. Li, A. Downey, C. Bennet, W. Collins, S. Taherand, H. Liu, and H-J. Jung. 2022. Automatic control of AC bridge-based capacitive strain sensor interface for wireless structural health monitoring. Measurements.
- Wang, Z., F. Ubertini, and S. Laflamme. 2022. Ensemble of long short-term memory recurrent neural network for semi-active control of tuned liquid wall damper. Engineering Structures.
Professional Affiliations, Honors, and Service
- Member on Editorial Board for IOP SciNotes (discontinued in 2023), ASME Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Research and Nondestructive Evaluation, Shock and Vibration, Sensors, and Measurement Science and Technology
- Member, ASCE Technical Committee on Structural Health Monitoring & Control, 2011–present
- Mid-Career Achievement in Research, Iowa State University, 2022
- Fellowship Award, American Society of Nondestructive Evaluation, 2021